Tunebot Drum Tuning Help at Drum Center of Portsmouth
Cases from Drum Sets, Snare Drums, Cymbals and Hardware
Drum Cases at Drum Center of Portsmouth
If there's something any drummer can agree on, it's that a quality traveling case is a must. Drum Center of Portsmouth has you covered when it comes to the best hard and soft cases around.
To keep your drumming gear in pristine condition, you must care for it properly. Maintenance involves placing it in a quality case when traveling or storing away. These instruments take a lot of beatings (literally!), and a case offers a way to keep your kit looking new. We provide hard and soft protective cases — the right one for you depends on your preferences.
Hard cases with soft interiors offer the highest level of protection. They hug your equipment and keep it safe from any hits and bumps during tours. If you're looking for a less expensive, lighter alternative, consider a soft case. They also do an excellent job keeping your set safe from moisture, scratches, or bumps.
Browse through our impact-resistant cases from top brands like Pearl, Zildjian, Sabian, and more. Quickly find what you're looking for by filtering your search to a specified brand, category, and price.
Struggling to figure out which is right for you? Give us a call and speak with a DCP team member.