Wuhan Cymbals
Wuhan Cymbals
Buy Wuhan Cymbals at Drum Center of Portsmouth
Crafted by hand in China, Wuhan cymbals boast an impressive combination of quality and affordability. Each cymbal is a solid, hand-hammered piece of B20 alloy. This is the same material found in many high-end cymbals. However, Wuhan cymbals come at a fraction of the price. Having adopted 2,000 years of Chinese cymbal making traditions, Wuhan has this artful craft mastered.
We carry a large collection of Wuhan cymbals. These are all incredibly affordable and well-suited to beginners and seasoned pros alike. Most famous are their China Cymbals. These feature a distinct sound that was hugely popular in the 1970s and ‘80s. Their crashes are nothing to sneeze at, either. The 16” crashes are a fan favorite. Also, among our stock are Wuhan gongs. These prove to be another impressive combo of low cost and deep, full sound.
Some may be put off by the prices of Wuhan cymbals. However, the company’s entire reputation is built on offering shockingly good quality for the low cost. They don’t claim to have the best sound on the market. Instead, they are for anyone looking for their first kit or a sturdy set to keep around to mess around on. For beginners and practicing pros alike, we couldn’t recommend a better brand. Wuhan won’t earn you a Grammy, but plenty of musicians find them a dependable, decent choice that won’t break the bank.
If you’re intrigued by what Wuhan has to offer but want to learn more, just send us an email or call! We can absolutely help you figure out what could work for you.