Gretsch Drum Sets

Gretsch Drum Sets

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Buy Gretsch Drum Sets at Drum Center of Portsmouth

We offer a wide selection of Gretsch Drum Sets. Every year, we give a greater effort into being the country’s top dealer for Gretsch kits and drums. Why? Because we believe the brand speaks for itself when it comes to quality design and sound.

We have dozens of products from this great line. Some of our most popular include the USA Custom, Brooklyn, Broadkaster, Catalina Club Jazz, and Energy series drums. With so many options, there’s truly something to please every drummer.

Part of what makes a Gretsch so great includes the true classic tones they produce. On top of that, they are available at unbeatable prices. With shells and glazes of all different kinds, the brand gets even better. Some of their most beautiful and unique shades include silver oyster pearl and red coral. Their design makes for an all-around an eye-catching and premium drum experience.

If you want to learn more about our Gretsch’s, check out some of the video demos! You can view the videos online or come by the store to see a live demo. With a live demo, you’ll understand what these drums are all about. One of our team members will be excited to share more about this great brand. Experience for yourself the rock-solid performance and completely explosive tone of these drum sets. We’re also known to have some great deals, so make sure to see what sales we may have. We’ll get you fitted out for the new Gretsch of your dreams.

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